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Couple find a live snake in the boot of new car

Charlie, 23, and husband Guy were charmed when they found a replacement car for sale on Facebook for just £200. But when they got home and opened the boot, they adder bit more excitement when they found a 3-ft long sleeping boa-constrictor in the back. Rattled, the couple rang the police who told them they […]

Meet Vampire Cat! We don’t just buy serious stories, we buy funny pet stories too!

We don’t just deal with major exclusives, heartbreaking, or serious stories; we are also waiting for your heartwarming and light-hearted stories (like funny pet stories!) Meet Timmy, a nine-year-old black cat, with an enormous pair of front teeth which stick out of his mouth like a vampire. The nine-year-old moggy was taken into the Blue Cross […]

Missing Pedigree Puppies Get Ruff Justice!

A policeman told yesterday how he collared a group of fugitives in the back of his squad car – nine missing pedigree PUPPIES! PC Mark Wallace was driving along a country road when he spotted the pedigree pets and an adult dog wandering along with no owner in sight. He quickly ushered the mother Australian […]

Leopard abandoned by mother, so lived in our bathroom!

Most people try to keep their bathrooms spotless but one family decided to use theirs – to raise a LEOPARD CUB. buy zoloft online buy zoloft over the counter online pharmacy  Newly-born Nimbus was abandoned by mother shortly after her birth at a wildlife park.   Keeper Jamie found her close to death along with […]