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Share your inspirational story: My sister’s keeper

Do you want to share your inspirational story like loving sisters Beth and Aimee, who shared theirs after Beth was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Dropping off my sister at the doctors last November, she gave a little wave as the automatic doors closed behind her. My older sister, Beth, 18, a student due to […]

My partner tried to kill me

My partner tried to kill me: I was doing everything in my power to stop the knife slitting my throat. It all happened so fast. The knife sunk into my hand like butter and grazed my throat. There was blood everywhere and people started to run.

Toddler cut free by firefighters

This inquisitive toddler had to be cut free by firefighters – after getting a TOILET SEAT stuck around her neck. Sell your lighthearted stories for cash!

Meet Vampire Cat! We don’t just buy serious stories, we buy funny pet stories too!

We don’t just deal with major exclusives, heartbreaking, or serious stories; we are also waiting for your heartwarming and light-hearted stories (like funny pet stories!) Meet Timmy, a nine-year-old black cat, with an enormous pair of front teeth which stick out of his mouth like a vampire. The nine-year-old moggy was taken into the Blue Cross […]